Thursday, September 8, 2011

What kind of noise are you making?

Hello Purposeful Friends!

As we approach my favorite day of the week-Friday, I am starting to get that warm and fuzzy feeling in and around my heart. However when I started to feel this sensational feeling this week something felt a little different this time around. As I snuggled up more to the sheer thought of Friday approaching it became clear why the feeling was a little different today. I thought about my week and all that I had on my list of goals to accomplish in this first week of September and realized that I had not only reached my intended goals, but also a few that were set for later in the month.

We have all heard that talk is cheap, meaning that you can say what you want or what you want  to do all day every day until you are blue in the face. The proof or the worth of what you are saying comes when you put your words into action. When you set a goal and take the steps to meet it, the feelings of accomplishment and relief are an awesome reward!

So today I encourage you to set a least one goal, settle your mind on seeing the goal completed, write your goal down (write the vision and make it plain), tell someone that will support you and keep you accountable and then take the necessary steps that you need to reach your goal. When you have met your goal celebrate your accomplishment. You can then also celebrate that you are NOT a noise maker, but a mover and shaker! You spoke what you wanted and then moved with ACTION beyond just talking about it. The only noise you made were the beautiful sounds of you making moves to reach your goal.

I believe in you and I believe that you can do ALL things with a Purpose!

"Trust God and Love Yourself"


Life Purpose and Goals Coach

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Are NOUNS hindering you?

Hello Purposeful Friends!

As the summer draws to an end (although hard to fathom here in the Houston, TX area with record high triple digit temperatures daily) I can't help, but to think of all that I will be "more willing" to accomplish personally when the weather breaks and cools a bit. I have always loved summer and the worry free weather, but since moving to Houston a little over 2 years ago and facing extremely hot days and nights with unrealistic humidity I can't remember a time longing for the fall and winter months to move in.

I am sure that subconsciously I am glad to see the summer go because it has me in a position of wanting to wait or to just not do certain things at all. When I think about it, it is funny how I finally have reached a point in my life that I don't let "people" hinder me from moving forward, but those NOUNS can still cross my path. For example I had a personal appointment the other day in the early afternoon, and I canceled the appointment simply because it was so hot outside and I did not want to deal with the extreme-boiling heat. I called and changed the appointment to October-yes it was that extreme for me.

One of the characteristics that I love about myself and give thanks to God for often is the "go getter spirit" that I have. I am NOT a person who puts things off that I know I need to get done.  I also despise procrastination, as well as the fact that a word of its meaning gets to use so many of the precious English alphabet (lol).  When I am working with someone who is engaging in the "P:" word, I call them out without a second simply should have no place in our lives there is simply too much to be done.

So I immediately felt some type of way when I hung up the phone from canceling this appointment that I really should have taken, because of a circumstance that I could not control-the weather. This got me to thinking, how often does this scenario take place in our day to day lives?  How many goals and purposeful moments have we put on hold because of extenuating circumstances, those things we just cannot control? Often times we blame our lack or the inability to complete a task on the "NOUNS", yes the people, places, and things which most of the time are out of our control.

The fact that I let the weather stop me from going to an appointment that I needed to attend, is an example of how I let a thing control and dare I say procrastinate me from completing something that I knew I needed to do. I gave the weather power over my situation. What do you need to accomplish in your life or day to day routine that has been on your to goals agenda for weeks and should have actually been crossed off months ago?  I feel incomplete when I don't meet my goals or accomplish what I have set out to do. Giving power, or "wiggle" room to the NOUNS only hinders you from meeting your goals and moving on to the next great thing(s) in your life,

Remember you can NOT change people, relocation of place only brings temporary change to an ongoing issue, and things are just things and only have what power you give them.-Shayla

Make sure you recognize which NOUNS are hindering you and remove or push through them accordingly so that you can continue moving towards your goals, purpose and greatness!


"Trust God and Love Yourself"

PS Be sure to follow me on twitter and join me on FB!


Sunday, June 19, 2011

How bad do you want it?

Hello Greatness!

This post is a drop of encouragement to aid you in moving forward with at least one of the goals in your life today.  Yes, this titled question is a challenge for you to take an action step towards reaching another level in your purposeful life. I am asking you to apply a verb that’s more than just thinking about the current status in your life. It’s time to move past day dreaming about the changes that you want in life and time to move with action.

Change, growth, or that additional "something" in your life is possible if you can answer "how bad do you want it?"  What are you willing to do to make those changes? Where do you want to grow in your life? What is that something that you feel is missing?  Maybe you have already started progressing with action and along the way you got stuck, that is okay as well don’t  close the door on your opportunity.

Here are 2 R's for getting started or getting back on track.
                                                                                                                                                               Relax and Refocus.

 Here’s a little sneak about me the "Purpose & Goal Coach", I am actively working on delegating some of my task as they pertain to my business, as new engagements, and new clients develop I am being honest with myself that I just can't do it all. This is something that has previously been a challenge for me in my personal and business life. Just the thought of giving someone else access to my business-which is my heart, and really allowing and trusting them to follow the assignment through was tough for me. 

So I relaxed, and worked through what I needed to in order to be the most effective for the most important aspect of my clients.  Once I was no longer trying to do everything and be everywhere I actually started to feel more relaxed, deciding on an action step and following it through allowed me to be more effective, feel more relaxed, and get more done during my day.

The ability to refocus on what moved you into action in the first place, is a great place to start if you are stuck or have fallen off track with your goals. I often tell my newer clients during their introductory coaching sessions, that, if you are searching for your purpose in life, or have goals that you are trying to reach you need to pursue it with purpose. What do I mean by that?  Doing anything in life just to do it or just because, is all for nothing you should have purpose behind every step you take, every breathe that you release should have a reason for being exhaled, Nothing should ever be just because even if the action was simple enough to say it just is, know in your heart and transform your mind to know that it all has a purpose. Once you put purpose to what you do you can build on it and allow purpose to continue to build you up.

 The key to both relaxing and being able to refocus myself, rested with me asking myself, how bad do I want to be able to run your business more effectively?  How bad do I want to be able to keep the needs of the clients as top priority? Since this was the current goal that I had set out to achieve, I knew I wanted it bad enough to put action to goal and go forward with the steps whatever they were to accomplish the task at hand.
“Your reach is as long as your desire to accomplish whatever task you are pursuing in life.”

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Be Blessed!
"Trust God and Love Yourself!"

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Understanding Purpose. defines purpose as:

1. The reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc.

2. An intended or desired result; end; aim; goal.

3. Determination; resoluteness

There are so many of us going through our everyday lives in a fog of confusion. The confusion is not being able to find our way to the place or position that we are longing for or feel that is missing in our everyday lives. For some it is a matter of finding our purpose, and for others it's learning how to walk in their newly found purpose. If you have these feelings or thoughts, then you are on at the starting line to something GREAT!

Like I tell my clients that I am coaching who are trying to find their purpose in life, once you get a grip on your purpose in life it is the best feeling ever! No one likes to drive or walk around lost trying to get to their destination, it gives an uneasy feeling of being out of control, confused, and frustrated. When you finally get tired of trying to find your way and you stop, at the gas station and ask for directions, or you phone a friend to help you find your way. You finally feel a sense of relief knowing that you won't be lost forever because you now have some direction. As you get back on your path to the intended destination you are a little more at ease, because you are no longer lost.

Those same feelings arise in the quest to find your life's purpose. Walking around aimlessly trying to understand why we are so unhappy in our day to day lives. For some working at a job that is making us mentally and physically sick and having a desire to do more than what we are currently doing. For others we know our purpose and that is half the battle, but figuring out how to execute it is the part that has us "stuck".

For those of you that are searching for your purpose, I am so happy for you, and the desire that you have to live a fulfilled life. Please understand that what you are looking for is already in you. Yep that's right your purpose is already in you, so that should take some of the pressure away. God has already designed and purposed you to be what HE wants you to be from day one, from the time you were just a twinkle in your mother's eyes.

Here is a tip to get you started,

Pray for direction, and understanding as you go forth in discovering your purpose,and in owning what your purpose calls for you to do in life

If you have already tapped into your God given purpose, congrats to you for trusting God and loving yourself enough to seek the next level of walking in your purpose. Going forward write down the things that you can do to enhance your walk, and start moving forward. If your purpose is public services orientated then start offering your service on a volunteer basis. God will honor the desire that you have to do his will and everything else will fall into place.

Whichever stage you are in don't get overwhelmed, God does not work in confusion keep praying and moving forward!

Scriptures on Purpose: Proverbs 19: 21, Isaiah 14: 24, Ephesians 3: 20, Jeremiah 29: 11, John 6: 40, Romans 8: 28, Ecclesiastes 3: 1

"Trust God and Love Yourself!"

Ephesians 3: 20

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Stop Your Detour

     I set out with a willing heart for things to come in 2011. I must say that I remember the fire being a little hotter during the start of 2010. Why the difference you may ask? The simple answer would be that I started 2011 with my own plan of action. Yes, I believed that God had my back all the way, but I had taken the lead. We always want to control it…when will we learn God does his job perfectly well? LOL.
I will say that I had the same desires that I had in 2010 going into 2011, and that was to do more and be a better me. Not to mention my heart and mind when it comes to helping the youth and others was still a top priority in my life.
I can say that 2011 offered a little more on my plate than 2010, with regards to helping family. 2011 has been challenging in ways that I did not originally expect. Regardless of the challenges I have to endure them to get the things on my list of goals complete.

I will share something with you guys since I know we can speak to each other from the heart...right?

I have always loved to write I like that I can express myself-feelings and thoughts uninterrupted and get my point across. My love for books and reading is only second to that. However during my school days right around 9th grade or so, things that I thought that I understood about my English and writing classes didn't come so easy and it showed in my grades (my outside life also played a part in this as well).

Long story short I found myself feeling hurt, and not loving to write as much as I used to. I had accepted doubt that I would ever be a good writer, and along the way I was also told by someone that writers don't make much money, so I should consider something else.
I recently found out that I did not get into the nursing program (this is also a heartfelt passion of help others that cannot help themselves). This is something that I really wanted to do in my life, and the opportunity was stripped from me.
The falling down of my great war to conquering my goals and knocking down any challenge that stood in my way came to a sudden stop…now what do I do?

I felt like, determination was not even worth the “d” it started with. Taking me back to thoughts of my 9th grade English class, here we go with another passion being taken away.
I have since come to realize, thanks to prayer, encouraging words, and tough talk with love from some mentors that “I” determine my fate. No one (human person) can take anything from me. I have to be committed to making it happen for self.

Nursing may still be in my future. Or writing could be the key. I am praying and taking "signs" for what they are -signs pointing me in the direction that I should go.

So to you I would say don't let what did not happen last year, or what did not start off right this year detour you from what your heart desires along with what God has for you.

Just P.U.S.H Pray Until Something Happens!
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-"Trust God and Love Yourself!"