Thursday, September 8, 2011

What kind of noise are you making?

Hello Purposeful Friends!

As we approach my favorite day of the week-Friday, I am starting to get that warm and fuzzy feeling in and around my heart. However when I started to feel this sensational feeling this week something felt a little different this time around. As I snuggled up more to the sheer thought of Friday approaching it became clear why the feeling was a little different today. I thought about my week and all that I had on my list of goals to accomplish in this first week of September and realized that I had not only reached my intended goals, but also a few that were set for later in the month.

We have all heard that talk is cheap, meaning that you can say what you want or what you want  to do all day every day until you are blue in the face. The proof or the worth of what you are saying comes when you put your words into action. When you set a goal and take the steps to meet it, the feelings of accomplishment and relief are an awesome reward!

So today I encourage you to set a least one goal, settle your mind on seeing the goal completed, write your goal down (write the vision and make it plain), tell someone that will support you and keep you accountable and then take the necessary steps that you need to reach your goal. When you have met your goal celebrate your accomplishment. You can then also celebrate that you are NOT a noise maker, but a mover and shaker! You spoke what you wanted and then moved with ACTION beyond just talking about it. The only noise you made were the beautiful sounds of you making moves to reach your goal.

I believe in you and I believe that you can do ALL things with a Purpose!

"Trust God and Love Yourself"


Life Purpose and Goals Coach